October 17, 2005


Lansing-Drieden design (via D*I*R*T*Y)

With this bed, you can be a modern-day Little Nemo ... (via mocoloco)

Blinkenlights (via information aesthetics)

Also ...

Inside homes of Shanghainese ... (via we-make-money-not-art)

Grafik Magazine ... published in the UK and a little Eurocentric, but some good material.


Anonymous said...

what is that top thing?

Anonymous said...

i love looking inside homes/rooms!

i love it when books/magazines show studio spaces of the artist/designer.

i love driving around sf and spying into people's living rooms (shhh) hehe

Miss J said...

i think it's an etched acrylic installation piece.

yeah!! i'm crazy about voyeur-ing. you can see some crazy shit from far away. one time i was on a roof top at hearst and euclid, and i saw a couple of men doing a brunch with candelabras in panties on their balcony. also, from my deck in albany, i saw a pregnant woman wandering about naked in her apartment (siqi saw her too).

but i also like snooping around people's apartments for secrets when they're there!

Anonymous said...

hey! i live at hearst & euclid!

well, more like ridge/le conte & euclid!

this reminds me of "Rear Window", with the couple who brings their mattress out to the fire escape.

my friend gave me a book of Weegee's photos.. apparently, people were surprised to see pictures of fire escape-sleeping. "how did you know that this happens, weegee?" they asked. "well, i used to sleep there all the time.." was his simple response.

my room is set up in hopes that people will snoop around! too few do!!

wouldn't you rather live in asia?

Miss J said...

i'd live in shanghai right now if the internet speed was faster and they didn't block blogspot websites! (among other things ...)

on the roof top ... probably very near your house. on this roof top, there was a giant sling shot and lots of couches. (i think you know where it is!) you can see campanile, the psych building, the palm trees, north gate, lbl ...