MVRDV's Mirador apartment building in Madrid
When I was in high school, my fantasy of university was always sitting in a dim room around a circular table with a number of friends (or non-friends) in discussion. no coffee, no smoking, just talking all night.
I had a delicious piece of this, this weekend. Sitting in a room somewhere between 125th St and Riverside Park with an invisible view out the window of the Hudson in the dark. We talked about Spinoza and Deleuze, Emella Romana and Superstudio, the adult writings of Roald Dahl, Jeff Kipnis + Eisenman on the subway - Descartes + God = sudden reversals in careers, Olivo Barbieri's photographs of Shanghai become model-izations, drumming, Maya bought out by Autodesk, Beyond War, Lakoff, Lugu Lake -- home of one of the last remaining matriarchal societies, men like to wear mesh tank tops in Moscow, riding a bicycle in circles the top of a walled village, how we love fascist architecture (shh), the religion of science, working for MVRDV in Rotterdam, a new house on a commercial lot in Oregon, theatre turned parking lot in Detroit, scoping out collaborators in grad school, two-storey walls of books -- my library of course, panoply in Brownsville, on and on. So much on and on, it was lovely. (Okay, maybe a coffee was involved this time!)
Or a tall glass of fizzy tap water.
LUGU HU!!!!!!!!!!!
i was there, with my mom and the tour group, last july!!!!!!!!
have the pictures to "prove" it! and a journal exchanged with my best friend, sasha.
hey, did you meet this 30-something year old dude named Jazhi (some people call him "Jesse") -- reputably "The Most Beautiful Man at Lugu Lake"?
chad told me that he is this big handsome guy, but delicate and soft spoken -- chad & party liked his jacket (psychedelic embroidery) so he took them up to the mountains to find the textile maker.
so, the sons live their entire lives with in their mothers' households, working for them and visiting their wives' homes on the weekends. just amazing.
bach ... what are you up to this weekend?
sweet f'in building. i think im in love...with mvrdv...
sweet f'in photos, mark. you have one of the best photoblogs i've seen.
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