October 23, 2006

layer boy

cosmic wonder: a beautiful boy in beautiful clothes ... what more can i say?

the weather has been extremely generous to us here, settling on cool, sunny days at the end of october. my mother and i bought some bright red tulip bulbs, which will be planted soon. the air likes to imitate drowsy memories of summer, just like us, not wanting to submit to that crisp wintertude. however, i have my sweaters and scarves ready ...

the last few weeks have been a steady course of noodle lunches, nintendo, and sewing small imaginary animals. my room is a maze of paper, pins, and felt -- and don't step on ringo! he won't like it!


Robin said...

I miss you Jean. Subsistence farming needs discussing! And I'll be sure to keep an eye out for Ringo next time I stop by.

Miss J said...

cooool ... soon, i hope! will you be back in france next year?

Robin said...

I've got the Spring semester back in France, then I really have to figure out what to do with my life. In any case, I'll be back in the Bay Area before I head back to Paris, so we'll be able to meet up.