August 12, 2007

back to paper

hi folks,

i've been flying about, watching delightful movies, singing owl songs, playing a little too much settlers of catan (yeah, you know what i'm talkin about!), and otherwise packing for a very exciting future move (very soon). so, i must admit i haven't been very close to my computer these past few months -- nor my cell phone nor any kind of personal electronic devices. it's kind of weird to evade email, bloglines, and flickr, but it's liberating.

i remember the days i would be on the computer twelve hours for work and pleasure -- as if the work wasn't enough and just continued to bleed into pleasure. everything, perhaps nearly my entire life, was contained, at least symbolically, within my laptop: my memories as photos (quite possibly forgotten if i hadn't taken them), to-do lists, address books, my thin identity as an audiophile in a gigabite(s) size collection, extensive writing, and design projects. but even beyond the harddrive, this machine was the daily portal to my online life: blog feeds (my primary source of news, besides magazines, since i don't watch TV), flickr (my life completely utterly categorized in photos), (my interests as described through bookmarks), and of course, this thing you're reading now.

this morning, just as i arrived at the airport to leave LA, i noticed my phone was nowhere to be found. a few mild expletives later, i forgot that i wasn't carrying any hand-held devices on my person. there was no way for anyone to contact me or to know where the hell i was or what i was doing, besides my boyfriend who just dropped me off, and my parents, who were ready to pick me up at the other side. the only thing i was connected to was my seat 1b, a packet of peanuts, and a two-hour snoozefest.

yeah, so i lost my cell phone this morning. but, i'm getting the hunch that i might have done it on purpose.

now here i am, back at home on the internet again. but, doing something i like, and haven't done a while: write a blog entry. no audience in mind, no pictures of actual events, just afterthoughts and memories put to paper. well, virtual paper. but after this post, i'm taking a nap.

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