August 30, 2007

new apartment

This was the first day after one of the longest weeks of the year. We dragged our exhausted bodies from house to house, put in our dead weight of worried paperwork (applications which represented our bodies and souls: offerings probed and scrutinized by property owners), consumed our minds with dread while we waited for an answer, felt rejection, and drove two hours home when there were no more cars on the road. We fought and bit our nails more than usual, became even more absentminded as time grew thicker and thicker, just waiting.

But guess what, it was worth it. We got an apartment! It's in the Mission. We still have to convince our landlord to let us store bikes IN the apartment itself, but my goodness, this place is gold. There is space and sun. There's a coffee shop on the corner and a laundromat right across the street. There are kids who hang out in front of their cars and babies who run the sidewalks. You will not believe the size of the apartment if you see it (at least, I can't, having gotten used to small, dark apartments with a shoving wave of street noise in the past years). The only downside is that it's "no loud music," folks. But, this, I can compromise, no sweat.

I can't wait to get back into a routine, something so elusive when I'm living in an environmental haze. To have our own kitchen. To merge libraries. To have a studio. At last. At last. At last!

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