April 16, 2003

I feel like writing a lot recently. Maybe it's because I have a lot of time and it's my leisure and i don't want to think too hard, and also, i like writing whether you like it or not. It's getting quite lonely around here, since my roommates are pulling their like fourth or fifth overnighter in studio this term. what is it like to lose track of all time, pushing your weakening body while performing intricate and dangerous tasks? the life of an architecture student...

but not me this term! i get to draw and draw and draw this term. and pretty much not worry about anything except that it's weird i have nothing to worry about. good thing i have a much tougher schedule next term, i think i would get bored out of my mind without some sort of imposed organization. sheesh, i hope i get into grad school, but i need to get some credentials, shit! but, all in all, i think i can be pretty cocky and stupid about doing stuff (and not doing stuff). implicit implicit implicit.

the nice thing about having it so chill is that i have done SO much fucking thinking! and it seems to have turned out for the better, because I am feeling a hell of a lot less crazy since last year. and guess what ... i feel happy! for the most part! which is more than i can say a lot of the time! whoohoo! it was just majorly the time for a paradigm shift, and yes, it finally clicked into the next gear. or should i say, into the next plane of perception? if the last paradigm was brown and dark blue, this one is pastel blue. i feel like a bug that has emerged from its hibernation and is getting its bearings once again...patting about, flittering here and there with multifaceted eyes.

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